#Web Development #Chemical Engineering

Why this website exists


Welcome to my digital home, a testament to my unwavering commitment to mastering the intricacies of web development, specifically frontend development. This space is the product of my dedicated efforts to understand and skillfully navigate the cutting-edge tools of modern web development, such as React, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS. My insatiable curiosity constantly urges me to push the boundaries of my knowledge, experimenting with new technologies and solutions to bring concepts to life.

Born and raised in the Dominican Republic, I successfully established a career in Chemical Engineering. My professional trajectory is marked by a diverse portfolio encompassing quality management, laboratory analysis, and team leadership roles. My professional experience has shaped me to be proficient in project management and customer service, which complements my technical skills.

Though my career in Chemical Engineering was demanding, my curiosity and aspiration for web development have been a constant presence throughout the years. The prospect of creating and shaping the digital world has always intrigued me. However, the demanding nature of my career did not allow me the time to delve into this interest until recently.

As my partner prepares to emigrate to the United Kingdom, I face the complexities of practicing Chemical Engineering in a country that did not accredit my degree, having earned it in a developing nation. This challenging situation reignited my dormant passion for web development. Seeing it as an opportunity rather than a setback, I decided to immerse myself in the dynamic world of programming, taking the first steps towards realizing my long-held aspiration.

At present, I am passionately engaged in honing my skills and understanding of languages and frameworks like Python, React, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS. As I venture further into this territory, I find that my background in Chemical Engineering proves invaluable. It has fostered an ability to approach challenges with an open mind and a keen eye for creative solutions - attributes that are just as essential in the realm of web development.

As I continue to merge my extensive expertise in Chemical Engineering with the new competencies I'm presently developing in web development, a unique synergy is emerging. This fascinating amalgamation is paving the way for an exciting new chapter in my professional journey. Filled with optimism and enthusiasm, I am eager to explore the diverse opportunities this fusion of skills will present in the future.

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"Never be afraid of starting something new"